Enhancing Data Quality and Patient Engagement in an Obesity Clinical Trial Using Withings Smart Scales

Introduction: Why Wearables Alone Don’t Solve the Problem

Imagine running a clinical trial where every step feels like a stumbling block. The data is inconsistent, patient engagement is dropping, and participants are backing out faster than you can keep up. The reasons? Patients are stuck in outdated methods—constant clinic visits, endless forms, and clunky manual processes.

The clinical research world is quickly learning that just handing patients wearable devices isn’t enough. Without proper integration, wearables only add complexity rather than solve it. This is where most patient-reported outcome (PRO) companies fall short. They lack the systems to sync real-time data effectively or the strategy to keep patients engaged.

Enter Delve Health. In this case study, we explore how we partnered with a leading pharmaceutical company to fix these exact issues. Through a combination of seamless wearable integration, automated engagement tools, and patient support, we turned an obesity clinical trial around—from struggling to streamlined.

The Situation: A Trial Facing Familiar Problems

A major pharmaceutical company had been conducting a trial for a new obesity medication. Like many trials, it relied on traditional methods for collecting data:

  • Regular Clinic Visits: Patients had to come in frequently for weight measurements.
  • Paper Diaries: Every patient had to manually record their progress in paper diaries for ePROs (electronic patient-reported outcomes).

As expected, these methods introduced several problems:

  1. Inconsistent Data Collection: Missed visits meant gaps in the data—critical moments lost.
  2. Low Patient Engagement: Writing out daily reports in a paper diary quickly became tedious, leading to incomplete entries.
  3. High Dropout Rates: The demands of the study caused patients to burn out and drop out.

The Delve Health Approach: A Better, Simpler Way to Engage Patients

This wasn’t just a case of adopting wearables. The pharmaceutical company needed more than a data collection device—they needed an integrated, patient-friendly system that would guarantee both engagement and accuracy. That’s where Delve Health came in.

1. Wearables Done Right: Seamless Integration

The Delve Health solution began with Withings smart scales. These weren’t just handed out like party favors; they were integrated directly into our platform. The patients could stay at home, step on the scale, and—without lifting a finger—have their weight data transmitted in real time.

  • No Clinic Visits Required: Patients measured their weight at home, and the data synced automatically to the Delve Health platform via Wi-Fi.
  • Seamless Data Syncing: No manual entry. No guesswork. The data was as accurate as it was easy to collect.

Suddenly, what was once a logistical nightmare became a natural part of the patient’s daily routine. We didn’t just simplify data collection—we eliminated the friction.

2. Real-Time Data, Real-Time Engagement

But wearables are only half the equation. The other half is keeping patients involved. It’s not enough to hand them a device and hope for the best.

  • Digital ePROs: Patients used our app to report their outcomes. It wasn’t an extra task—they could simply log their data as they went through their day.
  • Automated Engagement Tools: Using over 30 automated tools, we kept patients connected with gentle nudges via SMS and email reminders: “Time for your daily weigh-in!” These weren’t annoying—they were personalized, timely, and helpful.

When a patient is reminded to take action in a way that feels supportive rather than intrusive, engagement skyrockets. That’s what happened here. Data collection became consistent. And importantly, patients were no longer feeling like participants in an experiment—they felt like empowered contributors.

3. Patient Concierge Support: The Human Touch

Even with the best technology, there will always be moments where patients need human interaction. That’s why we provided a dedicated patient concierge team to help at every step.

  • 24/7 Support: Whether it was setting up the Withings smart scale, navigating the app, or troubleshooting technical issues, our team was there to provide real-time help.
  • Confidence and Comfort: Patients knew they weren’t alone. They had a support system backing them up, which made them more likely to stay engaged and continue with the trial.

The Results: What Happens When You Actually Solve the Problem

The results spoke for themselves. Delve Health didn’t just improve the situation—we transformed it.

Compliance and Data Accuracy? Check.

  • 95% Compliance Rate: Patients embraced the simplicity of at-home weigh-ins. No more missed clinic visits meant near-perfect compliance.
  • 40% Improvement in Data Accuracy: The automatic syncing of data meant no more missed entries, no more mistakes—just accurate, real-time data.

Engagement and Satisfaction? Solved.

  • 50% Increase in ePRO Completion: With digital diaries and timely reminders, patient engagement shot up. They completed their ePROs without hassle, giving the trial more complete data.
  • Positive Patient Feedback: Patients appreciated the convenience, reduced travel time, and user-friendly interface. Their feedback? They were happy to stay in the trial because it didn’t disrupt their lives.

Dropout Rates? Significantly Lower.

  • 30% Increase in Retention: The combination of easy-to-use tech, automated engagement, and 24/7 support kept patients involved. They didn’t feel overwhelmed—they felt supported.

Conclusion: The New Standard for Clinical Trials

This trial wasn’t just another project. It was a demonstration of how clinical trials should be run in today’s world. Delve Health didn’t just hand out wearables and hope for the best. We provided an integrated solution where every aspect—from data syncing to patient engagement—worked together seamlessly.

We helped the pharmaceutical company not only collect high-quality data but also keep their patients happy and engaged. The trial’s success wasn’t just in the numbers. It was in the way patients felt cared for and supported throughout the entire process.

Implications for Future Trials: Where We Go from Here

This obesity clinical trial is proof that digitizing patient experiences and integrating wearable technology is not only possible but essential. When done right, it improves data quality, increases patient satisfaction, and makes the entire process more efficient.

Want to see how Delve Health can elevate your next clinical trial? Let’s talk. Contact us today and take the first step toward transforming how you run your trials.

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Disclaimer: The case studies presented are based on real-world applications of Delve Health’s solutions, with details modified to protect client confidentiality.

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