Patient Retention in Clinical Trials


Patient compliance and patient retention in clinical trials are key components of conducting a successful study. The overall patient experience is paramount. If the patient participants in a study find the paperwork cumbersome or stressful, many will not comply in a timely manner or provide a full log that is critically needed for investigators, and other members of the clinical research team, to be able to efficiently and accurately compile the data and conduct their necessary analysis. Patient non-compliance (i.e., not completing diaries or not using their wearables) or dropping out of a study altogether creates a multitude of issues, including steep financial losses, which can threaten a study’s success.

Delve Health’s artificial intelligence (AI) tool, understands the best way to engage with a patient is by utilizing mobile apps, SMS, and automated phone calls, in order to nudge and notify a patient of upcoming visits, e-diaries entries due, and medication adherence questions.

Patient Centric Approach to Help you Improve Patient Retention

With a focus on patient retention and patient compliance, our dedicated patient concierge team will call to check on patients, enter data on their behalf, and even ship items directly to their home.

Every trial is unique. While many sites are moving towards decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) and remote patient monitoring, sometimes sites still require an in-person visit—whether on-site or in the patient’s home. Delve Health meets the needs of any clinical study, which includes identifying the right level of in-home services, if required. Using Clinical StudyPal, nurses and phlebotomists collect data at visits while ensuring compliance.

Giving patients a simple way of collecting data that doesn’t add to the “laundry list” of life’s never-ending “to-do” list is the way to improve patient retention. The most patient-centric approach a study staff can take is to implement the use of technology—utilizing wearables, connected devices, and in-home sensors. Delve Health’s Clinical Study Pal platform can be helpful in identifying and solving some of these obstacles.

For example, if a patient is not wearing their device, no data is shared with investigators. The Clinical Study Pal app has an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm, which allows the system to learn to engage the patient in different ways to identify the best options for compliance, based on the study participant’s behavior. The app also alerts investigators in real-time so that they can follow up with the study participant to encourage them to complete the tasks required. Our app allows for swift identification of an issue and a timely solution, which not only improves patient compliance, but also the patient experience overall.


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