Almost 70% of eligible patients live more than two hours away from sites. This geographical challenge has led sponsors to seek out ways to leverage technology solutions to conduct studies virtually, and even design decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) or hybrid studies, in order to expand their site’s reach—all while improving patient enrollment and retention.
Delve Health is a virtual research organization with the experience to help you plan and design decentralized (DCTs) and hybrid clinical trials. Our extensive network boasts access to one million medical professionals available for in-home visits and care, worldwide, when a specific study requires it. Our capabilities were designed to provide seamless integration while increasing patient compliance and retention, as well as providing study teams the experience they deserve.
Delve Health’s Clinical StudyPal allows users to design end-to-end hybrid and decentralized trials with no coding experience required. The system utilizes a set of tasks to help everyone involved in the study to better understand what needs to be completed while ensuring that deadline are met. Clinical StudyPal utilizes SMS technology to deliver the right message, at the right time, to the right person. Our solution Delve’s deeper to allow us to help with the following:
- Patient screening
- Patient enrollment
- Patient device management
- Randomization
- eDiary entries and assignments
- Data collection
- Automated reminders to nudge patients
- Completion alerts
- Compliance reporting
- Collect raw data from wearables and connected devices
ClinicalStudyPal has the ability to integrate into virtually any platform, making implementation seamless and relatively easy for study staff to effectively use “day one.”
Want to learn more? Schedule a consultation.