Mobile technologies are gaining greater acceptance and adoption in clinical trials, to engage patients, investigators, and study team
90% of SMS are opened within 3 minutes
85% of people prefer SMS over email or phone calls
56% of the world population owns a smartphone
Every clinical trial needs a mobile strategy to get to patients, investigators, and study teams.
Collect digital endpoint
Notify Investigators of AE
Upcoming visit notification
Improve Medication adherence
Study team updates of any serious adverse events
50,000 health apps as of 2020
Virtually everyone has a smartphone these days, which theoretically means that investing in the development of a mobile app is a good idea. However, the problem is that mobile apps aren’t as effective as some of the studies and statistics have led us to believe.
70% of smartphone users spend their time on just the three most frequently used apps.
52% of apps lose half of their peak within three months of launch
SMS gains 98% better response rate over email or mobile app push notification
- SMS is fast. You can send a message and the recipient will be notified within seconds
- Apps are notoriously vulnerable to hackers
- Can get to users wherever they are, using various messaging services
At Delve Health, we utilize various messaging solutions (i.e. SMS, WhatsApp, WeChat) for better global patient, investigator and study team reach.
- Collect ePRO through SMS to gain up to 95% compliance
- Deliver visit notifications to help reduce lost to follow-up
- Notify investigators and study teams of possible adverse events
Delve Health’s Clinical StudyPal is a decentralized platform that can help engage sponsors, investigative sites, and patients to collect the most pertinent information. We help improve patient compliance in clinical trials, create better consent modules, and integrate with EDC/CTMS/eTMF/Wearables for better clinical trial conduct.
Reach out and talk to our experts on how to implement cost-effective ePRO/eDiary and notification solution for your clinical trial